Breakfast Release
Now serving Breakfast.
We will release our first 30bbl batch of Breakfast on Saturday, April 6th at 10:00 am.
The response to this release has been strong and we expect bottles to sell out very quickly. In-person sales only, no exceptions. Limit: 1 case/person with valid ID 21+.
Our friends from Bard Coffee will be onsite, serving free coffee until 11:00 am.
Limited draft pours of Breakfast will be available when our tasting room opens at 11:00 am.
At 11:00 am, we will have all downstairs tables open on a first-come first-serve basis until 1:00 pm at which point reservations will take priority. Reservations are available for upstairs starting at 11:00 am. Make a reservation.
For those planning to attend, we have a huge favor to ask—bring nonperishable food donations to contribute to our food drive supporting our neighbors. Our staff will be around to assist in the collection of donation items. More details.